"El Agua", The Water is the symbol on this bracelet, means purity.
"On a full moon it is customary to go bathe in the streams to cleanse oneself of evils and attract good luck, thanks to the purifying powers of the water" - Kamentsa Biya Culture.
"En Luna llena se acostumbra ir a banarse a las quebradas para limpiarse de los males y atraer la buena suerte, gracias a los poderes de purificacion del agua" - Cultura Kamentsa Biya.
These woven beaded bracelets are made by the 'Kamentsa', indigenous group from el "Correjimiento de Jamundino", Colombia.
This is one of the ways they use to preserve their culture. They also practice the 'guanga' treading technique to make accesories and decorations, and they work the land where they live.
Woven dimensions: W 1 1/8" X L 5"